Today we officially welcome Brandon Baum, Shaila Collins and Connor Olsen to the lab. After a fun summer rotation, we're excited to have them join us full time this Fall.
- Brandon is pursuing his M.S. thesis in Mechanical Engineering and will be leading the design and validation of a new sensorized object for rapid, quantifiable and systematic measures of hand dexterity.
- Shaila is pursuing her M.S. project in Electrical & Computer Engineering and will be exploring how hand kinematics change after neurological impairments such as stroke or spinal cord injury.
- Connor is pursuing his Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering and will be exploring how semi-autonomous bionic devices can be used to enhance dexterity and reduce cognitive load.
The Utah NeuroRobotics lab is excited to officially have these three join our team, and we look forward to their exciting projects!