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Help Us Improve the Lives of People with Disabilities

"Losing a limb is like losing a family member, except you are reminded of it every day." - Anonymous Amputee

Most of us have experienced the grief of losing a loved one, and we can understand how emotionally devastating loss can be. But, it's difficult to fully capture how much more debilitating it is to be constantly reminded of your loss by chronic pain, physical disability, and nonautonomy.

For individuals suffering from paralysis, paresis, or limb-loss, life is chronic struggle with depression and endurance of life-long neuropathic pain. This is in addition to practical difficulties associated with activities of daily living and potential loss of employment. These challenges often result in long-term use of antidepressants and narcotics, as well as high medical costs associated with anxiety and other psychological struggles. Current treatments are costly and ineffective, leaving millions of people waiting for a better medical solution...

At the Utah NeuroRobotics Lab, we are working to turn science fiction into reality. Inspired by Luke Skywalker's Bionic Arm, we have developed state-of-the-art bionic arms that can restore dexterous control and provide a natural sense of touch. With this technology, we can give a physical hand back to the veterans that have literally given a hand for our country. We have vetted this technology on dozens of amputees in the Intermountain West and have documented the ability of advanced bionic arms with a sense of touch to improve function and psychological well-being. Now, with recent FDA-clearance and support from the National Institutes of Health, we are expanding this technology to additional patients - both individuals suffering from limb loss and individuals suffering from paralysis.


Help Us Train the Next Generation of "Jedi-Scientists"

Since 2016, the Utah NeuroRobotics Lab has been working to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. We've impacted patients and individuals from all over the world.  Our work has been featured on numerous media outlets and has helped raise awareness of neuromuscular disorders and inspire the next generation of bionic medicine.

But our work at the University of Utah also extends beyond medical devices and patients, to the aspiring students who seek to make a difference in the world. As an institute of higher learning, our primary goal is to train the next generation of scientists and engineers so that they will be capable of tackling the next grand challenges. We provide a unique interdisciplinary training at the intersection of science, engineering, and medicine that enables individuals to solve complex medical issues with innovative solutions. We also provide state-of-the-art training at the intersection of artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, and robotics - which allows graduates from our program to serve as "Jedi Scientists" capable of turning science fiction into reality. At the Utah NeuroRobotics Lab, things we once dreamed about -- like Luke Skywalker's Bionic Arm -- are now becoming routine excellent medical care.