NeuroRobotics Lab Awarded NVIDIA Jetson Nanos!

Dr. George was recently awarded a grant from NVIDIA to supply Jetson Nanos for the NeuroRobotics course! A Jetson Nano is a small, powerful computer (similar to a Raspberry Pi) with an embedded GPU to run multiple neural networks in parallel for applications like image classification, object detection, segmentation, and speech processing. It’s an easy-to-use platform…

NeuroRobotics Course

Dr. George teaches a graduate course on Neural Engineering and NeuroRobotics that is offered in person at the University of Utah.  There are no formal prerequisites, but a basic understanding of electrical circuits, biology and MATLAB programming is recommended. The course is taught every Fall and is cross-listed as BME 6440 (for BME majors), ECE…

Trainee Projects

Apply to join our team by completing this prospective trainee application. Students interested in joining the lab should review the list of potential projects below and identify in their application a few projects that they are qualified for or interested in working on. Prospective students are also welcome to pitch their own projects as long…

Research Studies & Clinical Trials

If you are a individual with upper-limb paralysis (inability to move) or hemiparesis (weakness or spasticity) due to stroke or spinal-cord injury, and you are interested in helping us develop state-of-the-art brain-computer interface bionic devices, please volunteer to participate in our research studies using this LINK FOR STROKE/SCI PATIENTS. If you are a individual with…


Learn more about the Utah NeuroRobotics Lab, as told by… In this endowed distinguished Gould Lecture, Dr. George highlights how his lab is turning science fiction ideas, like Luke Skywalker’s bionic arm, into real-world applications to restore and enhance human function. Topics include thought-controlled prostheses endowed with a sense of touch, wrist-worn neural interfaces for…

Three Undergraduate Researchers Awarded Summer Fellowships!

NeuroRobotics Lab Undergraduates Elaine Wong, Rebecca Urban and Kennedy Powell received research fellowships for Summer 2021 through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. This competitive research fellowship provides a $1,200 stipend and educational programming for undergraduate researcher to carry out a project of their own under the supervision of a faculty member. The awarded proposals were: Elaine…

Annual Lab Ski Day!

The Utah NeuroRobotics Lab held out first annual lab ski day at Brighton Ski Resort on April 10, 2021! Less than a 30-minute drive from the lab, Brighton is a excellent ski resort for both beginners and advanced skiers. It was true spring skiing: 70 degrees, sunny bluebird day, and some fresh snow from earlier…

Prospective PhD Students

We are actively recruiting PhD students to work on a variety of fully funded research projects! Prospective PhD students should apply through the Electrical Engineering graduate programs. The majority of PhD students apply through the ECE department and then enroll in the interdepartmental graduate program in robotics and take courses with an emphasis on neurorobotics…