A paper led by Caleb Thomson was recently published in the Journal of Neural Engineering. The paper is titled: “Enhancing neuroprosthesis calibration: the advantage of integrating prior training over exclusive use of new data” and was coauthored by Troy N Tully, Eric S Stone, Christian B Morrell, Erik J Scheme, David J Warren, Douglas T Hutchinson, Gregory A Clark and Jacob A George.
Dr. Jacob George featured as expert in article discussing spinal cord stimulator
A recent article by Luisa Torres, PhD, in Drug Discovery News featured Dr. Jacob George in a discussion about the use of spinal cord stimulators in patients with lower-limb amputations. A recent Nature Biomedical Engineering study used spinal cord stimulation to restore the sense of touch, improve balance, and reduce phantom limb pain in patients with amputation below the knee. Dr. George discussed the benefits and use of such technology as an industry expert in response to this study. The full article can be read here.
Dr. George Presents at Vitae!
Myoelectric Controls Symposium 2022
The first in-person conference for our lab was a huge success! Our Lab had four podium presentations and two posters at the Myoelectric Controls Symposium (MEC) in New Brunswick, Canada. We took home both 1st and 2nd place student awards! We’re very proud of all our students and their hard work!
MEC is a mix of researchers, companies, patients, therapists, and clinicians dealing in upper-limb prosthetics, and it is always an enjoyable conference! Special thanks go to the University of New Brunswick (UNB) for hosting the conference!