Welcome to the Utah NeuroRobotics Lab Directed by Prof. Jacob A. George.

Our research seeks to assist and rehabilitate individuals with life-altering neuromuscular impairments (e.g., stroke, spinal cord injury, limb loss). Our research links rehabilitation robotics and sensorimotor neural engineering through biologically-inspired artificial intelligence. We leverage wearable and implantable brain-machine interfaces to restore and/or enhance human function.

Most lab websites are notoriously outdated; but not this one! We update our website weekly. Visit our news feed to see our latest highlights. For specific information about our ongoing research efforts, please visit our research page.

We are an interdisciplinary lab that is joint between the College of Engineering and the School of Medicine. We are affiliated with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, the Department of Biomedical Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Center for Neural Interfaces, and the Utah Robotics Center. We have with students from a variety of different disciplines: electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, rehabilitation science, and neuroscience, just to name a few! Our diverse viewpoints breed innovation, and to this end, we value and respect individuals from all backgrounds.

If you are interested in volunteering in a research study to test out our cutting-edge technology, please visit our volunteer opportunities page.

If you are a student interested in joining our group, please visit our pages for undergraduate opportunities, masters opportunities and PhD opportunities! Prospective students at the University of Utah are encouraged to take Dr. George's Neural Engineering and NeuroRobotics course at the University of Utah. The course is taught each Fall and is cross-listed as BME 6440 and ECE 6654! Taking a course is not a prerequisite to work in the lab, but it does provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about our research.

Recent News


Director: Jacob A. George, Ph.D. (jake.george@utah.edu)

Office: Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital, 2125B

Lab: Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital, LL140

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